Top Facts About Women Oral Health
Top Facts About Women’s Oral Health
Women have unique oral health, largely because of their hormones, as well as their choice of lifestyle, changes in their body, and any medications they may be taking.
As a woman, your hormones are responsible for a number of things, including your moodiness, irritability, emotional outbursts, and bloating. Studies also suggest that hormones can affect your oral health, resulting in gum disease and other dental problems even with diligent brushing and flossing.
According to researchers at the Case Western Reserve University, although women tend to have better dental care practices than men, they are still more prone to oral health issues. Different hormonal fluctuations occur at different points in a woman’s life, including puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause.
Here are some facts about the oral health of women:
● During puberty, the surge of hormones may increase the circulation of blood in the gums, causing the mouth to be highly sensitive to irritants like plaque, leading to gum disease.
● Your menstrual cycle causes hormonal fluctuations that may cause changes in the soft tissues of some women. The resulting changes may cause your gums to swell and bleed just before your period begins. At the same time, you may become more sensitive to hot and cold fluctuations, pain, and pressure in the mouth during your periods. Note that existing gum inflammation may become aggravated by periods.
● It is not unusual for pregnant women to experience gingivitis. Gum disease is not caused by pregnancy; rather, the associated hormonal changes make you more sensitive to plaque, which makes swollen gums bleed easily.
● Women taking oral contraceptives may experience the same oral health conditions as pregnant women. This is because pills contain estrogen and progesterone hormones that may increase your sensitivity to plaque, causing gingivitis.
● Women who are about to reach menopause may experience some pain, discomfort, and burning sensation in their mouth and gums. It is also not unusual to notice a change in taste perceptions, especially for salty, sour, and/or peppery foods. These changes are likely to also occur postmenopausal.
● During menopause, some women report having gingivostomatitis, which is characterized by dry or shiny gums, bleeding, and abnormally pale or deep red gums. It is more likely to occur in women who have developed xerostomia (dry mouth), osteoporosis, or Burning Mouth Syndrome.
To avoid any complications and ensure good oral health, brush and floss regularly, and also maintain regular dental checkups as instructed by your Chula Vista dentist, Dr. Deanna Risos.